Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Arvada vs. Merryweather

1. Arvada High school is different from Merryweather High School. Its so different because all the cliques/clans are worse, I guess you could say. At Arvada High there are many types of different cliques, there are the juggalos, the preps, the cheerleaders, the skaters, the jocks, the class clowns, the "gangs", the bad kids, the goths, the emos, and so on. In every school there are always going to be clans.

2. Those two schools are different mostly because of the clan types. I gave some examples above of our clans here but at Merryweather they have the jocks, country clubbers, idiot savants, cheerleaders, human waste, euro-trash, future fascist of America, The Martha's, and so on. That school has some of the same clans as we do but most of them are fairly good, like the Martha's. Here people think that they are more bad a** then they actually are. Its gets a lot of people pissed off because if you look at somebody wrong here you know you are getting in a fight after school.

3. At Merryweather people see themselves as other peoples identities. They see someone that they think is cool and try to or start acting like them. Its pretty much like our school. That's another similarity between our school and their school.

4. Belonging to one of the clans is so important to Heather because it makes her feel like she fits in. Heather likes being in a clan because she feels she had friends. Being in a clan isn't important because she has officially labeled herself as an outcast. It's not that she doesn't want friends, its that she cant open up enough to have a true one.

5. My identity is a couple different things. I don't want to sound conceded but I guess I am pretty popular. I am a juggalo but I'm not a b**ch, well... unless you push me hard enough to get to that point. I guess i fit in with all of the clans because I don't judge anybody without getting to know them first.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Places to go

I have a couple places in the world that I would love to visit. One of them is Roam. I would love to visit Roam because I have heard about how pretty parts of it is and all of the history that lies there. When I get older I would actually love to move there. Another place that I would like to visit would have to be Tokyo. Because they have the biggest skate park there and i would love to hit the half pipes there. The last place i would like to even move to would be Paris. It is the shopping capital of the world and the city of romance. Also the language is beautiful, I would love to learn it.


Snow flakes fall from the dim grey sky
Others seem light but this one can fly
Soaring through the air, staying in my sight
This is not like the others, this one has might
Strong and shiny standing up high
This is a lucky one and it wants to be mine
Its strange that its here when i have to go
But as i walk it seems to follow
Through the trees and bridges all the way home
It has followed me and wont leave me alone
I love this snowflake but i have things to do
But suddenly it talked to me it said, "How do you do?"
As it asked me this question i stepped back in fear
It said, "Its alright please stay here"
I said, "What do you want strong winds are near"
"It will blow you away and i will never see you again"
"I know" said the snowflake "But i really need a friend"
"A friend you say?" as I thought to myself

A Terrifying Dream

A dream that i once had that stuck out to me was a nightmare. I don't know why i had it but I just had it at random. The dream started out as me standing in my kitchen and for some reason my bird cage was hanging over my stove and that's where we kept it at all times. There is a door to the left of my stove going to my dining room and there was a glass door on it. I was putting a towel over my bird cage when suddenly the glass door started to open. At that point I went over to close it and a little girl popped up and she looked like a mix between the "Grudge" and the girl in the movie "The Ring." I tried closing the door and the little girl pushed it open and it hit me in the head and i flew back into my refrigerator. When I hit the fridge I fell to the ground and the girl ran up to me with a teddy bear in one hand and a razor blade in the other hand. She took my left hand and started to cut the tips of my fingers off with the blade. While that was going on my brother was in my living room and my parents were up stairs and they still did not hear me screaming bloody murder. The next morning when i woke up i was sweating and my fingers hurt really bad. To this day i still have no idea why i had such a terrifying dream.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Personal Reflection Questions- The Scarlet Ibis

1. How did you feel at the end of the story? Elaborate and explain in detail.
I felt very sad and it got me thinking about if that ever happened to me I would not be able to ever forgive myself. But in the first place i would never have left him there alone. Especially if he was yelling at me begging not to leave him alone.

2. Does Doodle and or his brother remind you of anyone real or in other stories you've read or films you might have seen? Explain why or why not.
Doodle and his brother remind me of this movie called the "Outsiders". They remind me of that specific movie because there are two characters one is named "Pony" and the others is "Johnny Boy" pony and johnny are so close they are like brothers. In the movie johnny went to save some kids in a fire and in the end johnny ended up dieing.

3. Have you had any personal experiences which help you relate to this story? Describe an example from your life or another persons.
I have not had any personal experiences and i am not sure if my friends or family have either.

4. What is caul? Why did Aunt Nicey think caul is important? Explain and support your answer.
Caul is a thin membrane that sometimes envelopes a baby's head a birth. Aunt Nicey thought that the caul was important because that is where the brain was formed in the growing process.

5. What is significant about Doodle's interaction with the bird the scarlet ibis. Find specific quotes from the text to support your answer.
Doodle thought that the scarlet ibis was so beautiful. "For it lay on the earth like a broken vase of red flowers, and we stood around it, awed by its beauty." They thought it was beautiful and compared it to flowers, which are beautiful.

6. In what way does the narrator's pride help and also hurt Doodle? Provide textual evidence of both from the text.
The narrator helped Doodle by teaching him how to walk and how to swim. But the narrator also hurt him by leaving him alone at the end when Doodle said, "Don't leave me brother....don't leave me!"

7. The author, James Hurst, grew up in the southern part of United States. How can we tell that the story took place in the South? Use at least two quotes from the story to support your answer.
We can tell that the story took place in the South because in the story they say that there are weeds and bushes all around.

8. What literary devices does Hurst use to tell his story? How do these devices help make the story effective? Offer textual support.
Towards the end Hurst started to use Foreshadowing.

9. Does the story end the way you expected it to? Why does the author choose this ending? What effect does this conclusion have on the reader?
The ending was not what i expected at all. I honestly thought that brother was going to go get Doodle when he fell. The ending made me really sad and disappointed in brother. I thought he cared for Doodle more after all that they went through.

10. How would you like to have seen the story conclude? Be specific.
I would have liked the story even better if in the ending Doodle didn't die and he lived to be very healthy and living well.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Good friend

Being a good friend to me is always having someones back and being there for them no matter what happens. Some friends are different around other people and some just stay the same. I am that type of friend where nothing changes when other people are around. I take care of what I need to do all the time even if my friends think i'm being unfair. Most of my friends count on me to be there and they can trust me with there life. Even though I am a very good friend to my friends, they aren't always the best with me but I really don't care I just do what I got to do.

Regret what you say to the one you love

One time i was at my house and me and my brother got into this huge brawl. I don't remember what it was about but all i remember is that we were hitting each other and a bunch of things got broken. I was so mad that i actually told him that i hated him... At that time i did not regret it at all cause i was so mad but after a couple of days and not talking to him i started to regret it. I felt really bad and upset with my self, i couldn't believe that i said that because it is such a strong word. Now these days when we get in fights i never tell him that, no matter how mad i am at him. After that i spent a couple days apologizing to him because i love my brother with all my heart and sometimes i don't think he realises that. He is my best friend and i would hate to see that change with one single fight.