Thursday, November 5, 2009


Snow flakes fall from the dim grey sky
Others seem light but this one can fly
Soaring through the air, staying in my sight
This is not like the others, this one has might
Strong and shiny standing up high
This is a lucky one and it wants to be mine
Its strange that its here when i have to go
But as i walk it seems to follow
Through the trees and bridges all the way home
It has followed me and wont leave me alone
I love this snowflake but i have things to do
But suddenly it talked to me it said, "How do you do?"
As it asked me this question i stepped back in fear
It said, "Its alright please stay here"
I said, "What do you want strong winds are near"
"It will blow you away and i will never see you again"
"I know" said the snowflake "But i really need a friend"
"A friend you say?" as I thought to myself

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